Shreyansh TechAWS DevOps training in Hyderabad teaches you how to create, deploy, and maintain applications in the AWS Cloud by combining DevOps ideas, methods, and technologies. Rapid delivery, dependability, scalability, security, and improved collaboration are advantages of implementing DevOps.
You learn about the fundamental AWS services, products, and typical solutions in the first course. The core ideas in computing, database, storage, networking, monitoring, and security that students and professionals will need to understand while working with AWS are covered in the aws devops training.
AWS offers a range of adaptable services that are intended to help businesses use DevOps with AWS to build and deliver products more quickly and reliably. These services make it easier to deploy application code, automate software release procedures, supply and manage infrastructure, and track the performance of your application and infrastructure. With the use of AWS SDKs, AWS APIs, and the AWS Console, you will explore AWS services and ideas as part of this specialization’s considerable hands-on component using the AWS Free Tier.
Why Choose Shreyansh Techfor AWS DevOps Training?
- Version IT’s AWS DevOps trainingcourse provides a comprehensive understanding of the practical uses and applications of AWS DevOps services in the creation of software and systems.
- Our AWS DevOps trainingcourse is designed and developed by experienced professionals with a minimum of 20+ years of experience working in the cloud computing industry.
- To provide trainees with the skills and knowledge needed for professional AWS DevOps uses and applications in cloud computing and the building of systems and apps.
- To ensure that learners have practical exposure to practice and perfect their abilities in the efficient implementation of AWS DevOps, a range of training approaches will be used to assist in skill development.
- To assist learners in developing confidence in the professional use of Amazon Web Services DevOps and its IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) automation and integration infrastructure.
- Our training course teaches and familiarizes students with many areas of cloud computing and devops, ensuring that our trainees have thorough command of the tools.
Who should Opt for this AWS DevOps training?
The following professionals can go for this AWS Devops Training:
- System Administrators
- Software Developers
- Cloud Professionals
- Solution Architects
- Project Manager
- Technical Lead
Enroll in the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional course at Version IT, one of the leading aws devops training institutes in Hyderabad , to learn the concepts of AWS DevOps and become a professional cloud DevOps engineer.
What is DevOps
- Definition
- Stake holders of DevOps
- What is SDLC
- Phases of SDLC
- Role Of Devin SDLC
- Role of Ops in SDLC
What is Agile and Scrum
- Agile DevelopmentProcess
- Agile Manifesto
- Agile Scrum Work Flow
- Agile Analysis Estimation Techniques
- Types of Roles and Responsibilities
- Problem That DevOps Solves
- Making a DevOps Transition
- Introductionto DevOps Automation
DevOps Life Cycle
- Introduction
- Tools
- DevOps Technology Categories
- Collaboration
- Planning
- Issue Tracking
- Monitoring
- Configuration Management
- Source Control
- Dev Environments
- Continuous Integration
- Continuous Testing
- Continuous deployment
- Linux Overview
- What is Operating system
- What is Unix, Linux
- Unix vs Linux
- Linux vs Windows
- Linux market trends
- Linux flavors
- Linux Architecture
- What is shell kernel commandline utilities
- Linux Boot process
- Linux commands
- Linux admin level commands
- Reading files
- Redirection operators
- User management
- Group management
- File system management
- Linux volumem anager handson
- Linux installation using iso
- Directory structure
- Editors
- VMware overview
Shell Scripting
- Shell history and introduction
- Types of shells
- She bangline inshell
- Command linearguments
- Variables
- Types of Operators
- Loops
- Casestatement
- Functions
- grep
- Awk
- Sed
- ScriptPrograms
- Introduction
- What is a Version ControlSystem(VCS)? Distributed Vs Non-distributedVCS
- What is Git and where didit come from?`
- Alternatives toGit
- Installation and Configuration
- Obtaining Git Installing Git
- Commoncon figuration options GUItools
- Key Terminology
- Clone Working Tree Checkout Staging areaAdd
- Commit Push Pull Stash
- Git-Local Repository Actions Creatinga repository (git init) Checking status (git status)
- Adding files to a repository (git add) Committing files (git commit)Removing staged files (git reset) Removing
- committedfiles(gitrm)Checkinglogs(git log)
- Git-RemoteRepositoryActionsCreating a remote repository (git init) Cloning repositories (gitclone)
- Updating theremoterepository from the local (git push) Updating the local repository from theremote(gitpull)
- Tagging in Git Whatare Git Tags?Listing tags Light weight tags
- Displaying tag details (tag show) Annotatedtags
- Checking out tags Pushing tags Pulling tags
- Branching in Git
- Whatis abranch
- AnoteaboutListing branches Create new branch Checkout branch Pushing branches Pulling branches Merging inGit
- Fetching Changes(gitfetch)Rebasing(git rebase)
- Git Pull
- Git Work flows Different way sofusingGit Centralized
- Feature Branch Gitflow WorkflowForking Workflow
- Creating a branch froma StashAdvanced Repository Actions Removing untracked files(gitclean)Removestagedchanges (gitreset)Revertacommit(gitrevert)
- Checkout a previous commit (git checkout)
- Advanced Branching & Merging
- Deleting a Branch Fast forward merge Three waymerge
MAVEN (Build Tool)
- Issues before in manual process of build process
- Automated build process
- Introduction
- Maven StructureandIns tallation
- Maven Dependen cies
- Maven Repositories
- Maven Plug-ins
- Maven Configuration
- Integrationwith SCMtools
- MavenProject
Continuous Integration Tool Jenkins
- Introduction
- How to install and configure Jenkins
- How to achieve Continuous Integration with Jenkins
- Jenkins Jobs
- Howto schedule jobs in Jenkins
- How to integrate Jenkins with Ant
- How to integrate Jenkinswith Maven
- How to integrate Jenk in swith Slack
- How to integrate JenkinswithShel ls cripts
- How to integrate Jenkins with Python scripts
- Jenkins dashboard
- Jenkins authentication
- Jenkins plugins – how to downloadand use
- Parameterizing thebuild
- One clickregression
- Overvie wof ContinuousIntegration(CI)
- What it means Continuous Integration? Fundamental ofCI
- How CI helps to Agile Development History ofJenkins
- Where Jenkins Fit in Organization OverviewofJenkinscommunity
- Setup and RunningJenkins
- Prerequisites
- Preparing EnvironmentInstallingGit
- Setup Account
- Install Jenkins on Ubuntu / Windows Configuring aNode
- Running Jenkin sas Stand-Alone/Apache Server Backup Jenkinsdata
- Configuring Jenkins server
- Configure Dashboard Configure System Environment GlobalProperties
- Con figure BuildTools Con figureProxy
- Working with JenkinsBuil dJob
- Create and Configure a job Run a job manually Triggering a Build Scheduled Build job Manual Build job
- Polling SCM
- MavenandANTBuildStepExecuteaShellPost-BuildActionsArchivingBuildResults
- Notifications
- Working with Automate Testing
- Advanced Jenkins
- Working with Maven Build Monitoring ExternaljobsDistributedbuilds
- File fingerprint tracking Parameterized BuildJobParameterizedTrigger
- Automated Deployment and Continuous Delivery
- JenkinsPlugins
- Change reporting Code coverage Static Analysis
- Per formancere porting Style checking
- Secure and Notification inJenkins
- Overview of Notification Email Notification
- OtherNotification
- BestPracticesonJenkins
- ComponentsOverview
- ProcessofExecution&flow
- Conclusion
- Introduction toTerraform
- Terra form Fundamentals
- Terraform ConfigurationBasics
- Introduction
- Terra formScripting
- Terraformstacks
- Terraform StateFiles
- SetupModule
DOCKER (Containerization Tool) Introduction
- InstallingDockeronWindows
- InstallingDockeronLinux
- What iscontainer
- Docker runcommand
- Theoryofpulling and RunningContainers
- Working withimages
- DockerFiles
- Container Lifecycle
- What iskubernetes
- PurposeofKubernetesformicroservices
- How kubernetesworks
- Mastercomponents,howworks
- NodeComponents,howworks
- How podsworks
- Installations and configur a Continuous Integration Tool scluster
- Podlifecycle
- Work withpods
- Work Services
- Work Deployment
Introduction to Cloud Computing
- What isCloud
- WhyCloud?
- TypesofCloud DeploymentModels
- TypesofCloudServices
- FutureofCloudTechnologies
- AdvantagesandDisadvantagesofCloud
- Creation of web app
- Building sample application
- Modifying the properties of the deployment
IntroductiontoAmazonWebServices (AWS)
- What isAWS?
- Howto Subscrib efor AWSaccount
- Whatisthe AWSFreeUsageTier
- AWSCertification
- Introduction to the AWS management Console
- ListofservicesgivenbyAWS
Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2)
- What is AmazonEC2?
- FeaturesofAmazonEC2
- ManagingtheEC2infrastructure
- EC2Dashboard
- PricingforAmazonEC2
Regions and Availability Zone Concepts
- Describing Regions
- Availability Zones,and Endpoints
- Managing inst ances inanAvailabilityZone
Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
- ManagingAMIs
- WorkingwithWindows,LinuxAMIs
- SharedandPaidAMI
- MakinganAMIPublic
EC2 Instances
- InstanceType
- Instance lifecycle
- Differences between reboot, stop, and terminate
- Building an EC2 windows and Linux instances
- To install instance in public and private subnet
- Security via KeyPairs
- EC2 Classan dVP CSecurityGroups
- Managing ElasticIP's
- Pricin gmodelinEC2instances
- EC2 with Amazon commandlineinterface
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
- Featuresof Ama zonEBS
- Amazon EBSvolumes
- Managing EBSvolumes
- Increasingthe volumesize
- Amazon EBS snapshots
Load Balancing (ELB)
- Creat ingaloadba lancer
- Internal andextern alload balancer
- Load balancingprotocols
- Securitygroupsfortheloadbalancer
- Health check forthe loadb alancer
- Cross-zone loadbalancing
- Connection Draining
Auto Scaling
- What is autoscaling?
- Auto scalingcomponents
Advantages of auto scaling
- Creationo flaunch configuration
- Configurationofautoscalingpolicies
- AdvantagesofusingautoscalingwithELB
Network & Security
- Security Groups
- ElasticIPs
- Placement Groups
- KeyPairs
- NetworkInterfaces
Networking Services
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- What is AmazonVPC?
- VPCEssentials
- Defaul tandNonde faultVPC
- VPCNetworkingandACL
- SecurityGroups
- DNSandDHCPOptionsSets
- VPCPeeringandEndpoints
- SubnetRouting
- VPC InternetGateway
- Elastic IP addresses and network interfaces
- VPC integration with many other AWS services
- CreatingaNATinstanceinaVPC
- ConfiguringaWebapplicationinVPC
- PricingforAmazonVPC
Amazon Route 53
- Route53asyourDNSservice
- Using TrafficFlow
- Route53HealthChecks
- Configuring DNSFailover
- Latency BasedRouting
- Weighted RoutingPolicies
- HostingwebportalusingRoute53
- BucketPolicies
Security & Identity Services Identity Access Management (IAM)
- IAMFeatures
- GettingStartedWithIAM
- Creationofuser,groups,roles
- Managing&Writingpolicies
- CredentialReport
- IAMConsoleandtheSign-inPage
Storage&ContentDeliveryServices AmazonS3
- WhatisobjectStorage?
- Data asobjects
- Lifecycles ofS3
- ManagingBuckets
- AccessingS3storageviatools
- Creation of a static website using S3 storage
Database Services
Relational Database Service (RDS)
- RDSEssentials
- Launching RDSinstance
- Selecting theEngine
- ConfiguringtheDatabaseEngine
- Managing RDSDatabase
- Settingupautomaticbackups
- AuthorizingaccesstotheDB
Amazon CloudWatch
- AmazonCloudWatchArchitecture
- ListofservicesmonitoredbyCloudWatch
- Collectandtrackmetrics
- MonitoringmemoryanddiskMetrics
- Monitoring logs,Graphs
- SetAlarms
Cloud Formation
- BuildingAWSinfrastructureasacode
- Design atemplate
- Create aStack
- Create a Template from your Existing Resources
- Introduction toJSON
Application Services
Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)
- Simple email serviceoverview
- Con figuring Amazonemail service
- Amaz onSESandDeliverability
- AmazonSESEmail-SendingProcess
- EmailformatandLimitsofSES
Elastic Cache
- Redis Cache Introduction
- Redis Cac he Configuration
- MEM Cache Introduction
- MEM Cache Configuration
Amazon Simple Notification Service(SNS)
- Simple Notification Serviceover view
- SNSarchitecture
- Publishers andsubscribers
- Creation of atopic
- Subscribing totopic viaEmail
- Setting notification for EC2 instance changes